The City of Seguin and its project consultant, TBA Douglas Architects, have developed a four phase approach to oversee the successful redevelopment of the site. Phase I and II have been completed, Phase III is in progress, and Phase IV is set to launch at the end of August.
PHASE I - Site Development Studies (COMPLETED)
During this phase, the City and consultants performed multiple studies on the current conditions of the property and began to program the site with possible uses and development. The results concluded that the site could accommodate a variety of uses and be financially viable. Uses included a mix of retail, office, multifamily, hotel, and parking facilities.
PHASE II - Community Input (COMPLETED)
The City of Seguin's Main Street Advisory Board served as the steering committee for this phase of the project. The Board promoted community feedback and attendance at three community meetings. Each community was a different theme and saw over 70 community members in attendance. The City and its consultant also presented to community stakeholder groups to develop a more robust community vision for the site.
Overall feedback for the project was extremely positive and the potential for increased dining, shopping, and entertainment was well received. The results from the community meetings can be found below.
PHASE III - Site Entitlement
During this phase, the City of Seguin is rezoning the property to a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The PUD includes a General Land Use Plan which takes all the community feedback and puts into place guidance for developing the site, including allowed uses, height restrictions, parking, signage, preservation of historic properties and more.
The zoning change and approval of the GLUP will go to Planning and Zoning Commission on August 13. Assuming P&Z approval, City Council will vote on the zoning change and GLUP on September 3 and 17.
PHASE IV - Developer RFQ and RFP
At the end of August, the City of Seguin will release a Request for Qualifications seeking interested developers to respond with their interest in developing the site. Responses will be due in early October.
A site tour for the development community is scheduled for Thursday, Sept 5 at 10:00 a.m. All interested parties are invited to meet at the Seguin Public Library at 313 West Nolte Street at 10:00 a.m. for a brief presentation and then tour of the site.
A review committee will select three to five developers to continue in the process with being sent a Request for Proposal which will entail the developers completing a complete package with information on possible tenants and uses, building design and materials, and much more.
The review committee will review the proposals and make a recommendation to City Council on whom to move forward with and begin negotiations.
If you are interested in receiving the RFQ, please complete the survey form here.