We're a little nuts
If you have yet to visit Seguin, then you are in for a treat. A pecan treat, that is.
Yep, that's right, we are pretty proud of our pecans around here. So proud that we have THREE of the World's Largest Pecans. Here's the story...
In 1962, the original World's Largest Pecan was erected in Downtown Seguin and sits in front of the Guadalupe County Courthouse. A passion project of a local dentist, this pecan paid homage to Cabeza de Vaca who was held captive on the "river of nuts," AKA the Guadalupe River, for 9 years. Pecans grow readily in this region and Guadalupe County is considered to be one of the largest pecan producers in Texas.
So, there you have it. The reason why "we're a little nuts about our big nut" here in Seguin. We even had t-shirts made. Not only can you find large pecan sculptures in Seguin, but sprinkled around town you can find all sorts of pecan goodies. From mouth-watering pecan pie to pecan butter and candied pecans, welcome to pecan-lovers paradise!
It's okay to go a little nuts.
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