Going Green in Seguin
This Earth Day we could all use a little inspiration on how to "go green" and do our part for the environment. But what does "going green" actually mean? And how can we start making changes today?
Well, Earth Day dates back to the year 1970. Groups who had been individually fighting to prevent oil spills, water, and air pollution, banned together to create the Environmental Protection Agency. Over the last 50+ years, Earth Day has globalized the call for environmental efforts like recycling, clean energy, and more.
So what can you do?
Even the smallest efforts can make a wave, and here in Seguin we have plenty of resources available to help you in your quest to become a better environmental steward.
Even the smallest efforts can make a wave, and here in Seguin we have plenty of resources available to help you in your quest to become a better environmental steward.
1. Recycle!
Even though it's a given, we always push recycling to the side because it can be inconvenient. But lucky for you, the City of Seguin offers home recycling programs to pick up your recyclables right off your curb. So you can recycle your plastics, cardboard, aluminum, and more from the comfort of your home.
For more recycling tips and tricks, take a look at our Guide to a Greener Seguin!
2. Choose Reusable
Another small change is to make simple and easy swaps to reusable items like water bottles, coffee cups, and grocery bags. Instead of grabbing a bottle of water from the corner store, carry your own and refill it. Not only will you reduce your plastic usage, but you will save money as well!
3. Buy Local
Shopping at your local retailers makes a big difference! Of course, you save on gas and reduce your own emissions by not driving so far, but you are also supporting your local entrepreneurs and boosting the local economy at the same time.
4. Bike or Walk to Downtown
Seguin has a beautiful trail that leads right to our Historic Downtown District. So grab your bike or your walking shoes and get some exercise on your way. Our downtown district is safe and walkable so you won't miss the convenience of your vehicle.
5. Restore and Repurpose Buildings
According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the greenest building is an existing building. In their one-of-a-kind study they found that "when comparing buildings of equivalent size and function, building reuse almost always offers environmental savings over demolition and new construction." So next time you are looking at relocating, take a moment and consider remodeling one of our beautiful historic buildings downtown!
So we challenge you to find a new way to go green this year. No matter where you fall on the "greener living" spectrum, thank you for doing your part. Every swap matters!